Gettysburg the Turning Point Quick Docs These are (probably) the IBM keys Hopefully most will be the same for the Amiga (0) Center Map (1-8) move unit/cursor (A)dvance toggle (if enemy retreats) (B)uild 1 level of fortification (C)ombat (end move phase) (D)irection (facing) (F)ire (G)o to unit (input unit) (H)elp Menus (I)nverse allows access of higher units to give all units fire orders (L)ow men/ammo/morale units (M)elee plot (N)ext unit (O)ther map (P)age - second menu (Q)uit (R) Divide/recombine units in same square (in command mode) (R) Reconn square (in cursor mode) (S)elect formation (in command mode) (S)top clock formation (in cursor mode) (SPACE) Access 1st friendly unit in square (T)errain (U)nder (get next unit in same hex) (V)iew (W) Objective squares (X) Doube time march unit (Y) plot ammon on/off for artillery (Z) move cursor to square where las tunit was accessed (in cursor mode) (Z) abort all orders